Get More Traffic By Commenting
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This must be the most overused term in Blogging Terminology. Not only do They (Pro-Bloggers) recommend it, they even stress it out. Well the big question is, how does commenting really drive traffic to your Blog?
Before posting comments to other blogs, you usually see this:
So the first thing you do is enter your name followed by your email address, then your website (very important - this is the one that drives the traffic) and finally your comment (Most important). And the one thing that I’ve noticed is that though a lot of people use this as one of their means of driving traffic, not all of them I believe have been successful with it. Why? Well because of a few things that I’ve noticed namely: First, some people dont put in their REAL Name. I wonder why? Well in this business I think you should if you want people to recognize you. I go by the username “amberlights09″ and trust me when I’m commenting, I don’t use that as my name. Next and the most important is the content of the comment. Well if you want people to recognize you and click on your name (which is linked to your site), you’d better come up with a good comment. When I say good, doesn’t necessarily have to be a very praising comment like “That’s great! Thanks!” or “Nice post! Keep up the good work!”. This is one thing I’ve noticed and probably is becoming a habbit or even worse a cheap shot to get to be known.
Tips on Commenting on other Blogs
- I think we should go back to basics. Want to comment on other blogs and get to be known or use these High-Traffic Blogs as one of your sources of traffic? Please, read and understand the article.
- When you make your comment, please make sure you are making sense… at all. Refer to tip number 1.
- Be careful of what you are about to type. Remember a lot of people visit to these blogs and by just being careless with words might bring out a different meaning to the readers especially the Blogger. Thus, use positive scripting when giving feedback. Try to replace negative words like “You are terribly wrong” or “I dont believe in you”. You may want to try phrases like “I may have another approach on this one” or “Maybe we could also look into it at this point of view”.
- Try to get into a conversation. If you are lucky to get the attention of the blogger by your outstanding comment, the better. You see if the blogger recognizes you and replies to your comment, then you’ve just hit the cherry of the bull’s eye!
- Put your thoughts on what you are about to type. You may not have to agree completely to everything he says but at least give your honest opinion. I think that every Pro-Blogger is open to feedback.
- Be honest with your comment. Don’t try to get attention by trying hard to make an over rated comment or comming up with a very praising one.
- Last but not the least, (This is solely based on my opinion and you may disagree with me) don’t promote your site when commenting. I just think it’s not polite. But then again, that’s just my own honest opinion.
So there you have it. All of these were based on my very own experiences and I would appreciate your feedback. Hope you guys learned something.
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