Beginners SEO Campaign Tips
Everything has to start some where. Wether its your new job, or your new domain name, chances are good you’ll be starting at the bottom and having to work your way up. Just like in the real world, you’ll be reworded for good, and hard work. Being patient and persistent pays off in the long run as well.
Beginning Search Engine Optimization Process
Search engine optimization starts from the moment you think of your site. Picking your domain name can be a crucial part of your sites optimization strategy and over all success. Having your keywords in your domain name, can help your site rank higher indirectly (meaning that because you have your keywords in your domain name, doesn’t guarantee you the top spot).
When starting your site search engine optimization keep some key factors in mind.
* Having search engine friendly URL’s help not because they are SEF, but because of how people link to your site which we’ll cover in an advanced SEO topic.
* Having your keywords in your domain name, help rank your site higher earlier, but once the spiders crawl your site for content they’ll devaule the domain name.
* A good layout and navigational structure is a must. Avoid using an all image site, along with heavy fames, or flash animate usage. Yes Google can now crawl these, but they don’t rank any wear near as high.
* A solid page structure with what we like to call a waterfall effect of H2 to H6 tags helps direct the spiders to know what the important content on the page is
* A good hosting provider with minimal down time is essential for your SEO success.
* You can over optimize your content starting out. Be subtle and slow, its a long process.
* Research your keywords and your competitors keywords. The best way to gauge your success is how you rank against competition.
* Remember slow and steady wins the race.
Professional SEO Services
Using professional SEO services isn’t a bad idea if you don’t have the time, or a clue of how to optimize your site. However, there has been a sharp price increase for the search engine optimization market, and most companies are gaurenting results. We are here to tell you, to avoid any company/seo individual who gaurentees you top ranking!
Ensure that your SEO Company uses nothing but white hate SEO methods, and that they understand your goals, and what you need before you make your decision. Its going to likely cost you any where from $500 to $5000 to achieve good rankings.
We suggest using a honest American SEO Company called SEO vB. They specialize in search engine optimization services for any web site at an affordable price no matter your sites size. They do quality work at affordable prices.
Starting Search Engine Optimization Is NOT Easy.
Contrary to what many may want you to beleive, beginning SEO is not easy. You’ll have to analyze all your pages and content, and ensure your doing everything the right way. Hopefully after reading this article you are better off with your search engine optimization understanding, and continue to read our content to further your knowledge.
Dedicate 50 minutes per day to learning and implementing our SEO strategies, and you’ll notice an increase of rankings within days.
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